EFCAM is a federation of European CAM associations

CAM helps cancer patients

New Study Shows CAM Therapies Help Patients With Cancer http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/207103.php

40% US citizens use CAM and find it helps health

A recent surevey carried out in the USA showed that 37% of the population use CAM to augment their healthcare. Compared to those who did not use CAM, CAM users were more likely to rate their health as ‘Excellent’  Similarly, CAM users were more likely to...

CAM could save national health budgets millions

A study from the University of New South Wales has shown that the widespread introduction of a number of complementary medicine products and procedures for a range of common chronic health condition could potentially save national health care budgets millions in...

CAM Perceived as Beneficial for Back Pain

The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine has published an article that records that 60% of patients that use CAM for back pain perceived they received ‘great benefit’ from it. The article concludes that ‘specific factors and therapies...

US Rheumatologists’ Increasing Appreciation of CAM Benefits

In a recent article published in the open access journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine a survey of US rheumatologists reveals a growing openness and appreciation of the potential benefits of various CAM interventions for their patients. Of 600...

3 Year EU CAM Research Project Kicks Off

A three year EU Commission funded project to research the area of Complementary and Alternative Medicine(CAM) in Europe kicked off with an inaugural meeting of the project group in Munich on the 21 & 22 January 2010. The project entitled CAMbrella is led by a...

Acupuncture more effective for headache

Abstract We aimed to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture in addition to routine care in patients with primary headache (> 12 months, two or more headaches/month) compared with treatment with routine care alone and whether the effects of acupuncture differ...

Acupuncture effective for head pain

A new trail shows acupuncture plus routine care in patients with headache was associated with marked clinical improvements compared with routine care alone. For the abstract and a copy of the trial go to...

NICE recommends CAM for low back pain

In what is a breakthrough for CAM in the UK the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the independent body that advises the NHS on the best care to be used in each condition,  has recommended the use of acupuncture and spinal manipulation...

No robust data for chiropractic adverse events

Spine. 2009 May 15;34(11):E405-13. Safety of chiropractic interventions: a systematic review. Gouveia LO, Castanho P, Ferreira JJ. A systematic review of data relating to adverse events from chiropractic treatment reveals no robust data to support the assertion from...